Usually business people have every month scheduled by the day, so why not take advantage of this and book a hotel for the upcoming trip in advance?

Especially for those who carefully plan their time, we offer the "Early Booking" tariff.

If you book a room 21 days or earlier before the expected arrival date, you get a 10% discount on accommodation.

And also you get:

Room category

The cost of accommodation according to the package "Early booking 10%" (single accommodation with breakfast)

Standard Single

3 500
3 210

Standard Double

3 900
3 570


4 200
3 840

Standard Twin

4 200
3 840

Suite Superior

4 500
4 110

Suite VIP

5 200
4 740

You can book a room and get an instant confirmation by clicking on the Booking a room link by sending an email to , or by calling us at +7 (351) 220-33-03.

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